Press Release (German) Bei der sich jährlich im Sommer wiederholenden Ausstellungsreihe TACKER handelt es sich um eine Vorauswahl für die Nachwuchs-Förderprogramme DEBUTANT*INNEN und DIE ERSTEN JAHRE DER PROFESSIONALITÄT des BBK München in der GALERIE DER KÜNSTLER*INNEN. In einer ersten, offenen Bewerbungsrunde hat sich die Ausstellungskommission des BBK München und Oberbayern nach Sichtung von 75 Portfolios […]

Vaster Than Empires And More Slow (June 18-26 2022)
VASTER THAN EMPIRES AND MORE SLOW is a multimedia narrative exhibition whose title is taken from the science fiction novel by Ursula K. Le Guin. For the artists, the exploration of a sentient planet described therein metaphorically stands for the experience of digital space. The highly compressed short story from 1971 deals with themes that […]

Verbindungsstücke – つなぐモノ語り (Dec 4 2021-Nov 30 2022)
The ongoing exhibition Verbindungsstücke – つなぐモノ語り is commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa Residency in Kyoto, Japan. The exhibition is available online in 3D through Matterport. All the pieces on display have also been shown at CLB Berlin via the Goethe-Institut Berlin in the exhibition Villa Kamogawa in Berlin (April 28 – May 15 2022). […]

Ille #13 (Oct 8-15 2020)
Ille Galerie is a fast-emerging Munich offspace, showing young artists in public showcases. The project was founded and is curated by Janina Totzauer, Sebastian Quast and Tornike Abuladze. Leaving their initial location at Barerstr. 77 after ten months and thirteen exhibitions, Ille will evolve into a wandering exhibition series. I am happy to announce that I have […]

Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa (A Recap)
It has been almost a year since I departed for Japan to be part of the exquisite Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa residency program in Kyoto, Japan. I still look back at my time in this breathtaking country with fond memories and I am honored having been selected to be part of this distinguished artist residency. My […]

Goethe-Institut Creators@Kamogawa (Jun 29 2019)
It is half-time for me at the marvelous Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa Residency Programme where I was privileged to have the trust and support of the Goethe-Institut staff and Japanese culture and art world professionals. Where I was able to work on an otherwise impossible project; where I stood in awe of the daunting landscapes, sceneries and sprawls of Japan. […]

The Villa Kamogawa Residency (May 9 – Aug 6 2019)
I am humbled and delighted to announce that I have been selected for Group 2 of the prestigious GOETHE-INSTITUT VILLA KAMOGAWA Residency Programme in Kyoto, Japan from May 9 – August 6 2019. I am very grateful for the Goethe-Institut to select my project and guide my research for a multi-part video installation about radical […]

The American Scholarship (Jul-Dec 2018)
For all of you with whom I unfortunately haven’t been able to get in touch with personally: After a thorough application process I have been granted the USA-SCHOLARSHIP by the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences and the Arts. I am scheduled to board my plane this Sunday, July 1st 2018, and to spend the next […]

Cartographist (Feb 6-11 2018)
I warmly invite you to the opening of the Diploma Exhibition 2018 at The Academy of Fine Arts Munich on February 6, 2018 at 7pm. I will be showing my graduation artworks in room A 01.18. They deal with the cartography of the body in video, photography and sculpture. I am looking forward to meeting […]

Kopfkino (Apr 28 – May 7 2017)
The audiovisual miniature series State (in collaboration with Sebastian Schönfeld) has been selected for the group exhibition Kopfkino at Dachauer Wasserturm. It is curated by KURATOREN KOLLEKTIV KOORDINATEN (SOPHIE-CHARLOTTE BOMBECK, AVA LAHMANN, BERNHARD WOLF, IRINA ANTONIU), featuring artworks by WOLF-ROBERTO SCHIMPF, NILS SCHNEITZ, CIGDEM AKY, JULIA EMSLANDER, EVA-MARLENE ETZEL, LEA GREBE, DANA GREINER, KATHARINA LEHMANN, ANALÍA MARTÍNEZ, PATRICK […]

Stop Making Sense, It’s As Good As It Gets (Apr 19/26 2017)
Lucid Investigations in(to) Time I have been invited to participate in the long-term conceptual programme Stop Making Sense, It’s As Good As It Gets (Apr 2017 – Jul 2018) at B’NK’R, curated by Ludwig Engel and Joanna Kamm. Starting April 19 2017, I will be part of a long-durational interdisciplinary film/exhibition project in collaboration with Marie-France Rafael. […]

Kino der Kunst (Apr 18-23 2017)
The 1-channel video installation Ishi will be part of the Kino der Kunst programme. It is presented along with artworks of Noa Gur and Dionis Escorsa at Nir Altman Galerie. Kino der Kunst Opening: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 at 7pmDuration: April 19 2017 – April 23 2017 Nir Altman GallerieRingseisstrasse 4 80337 München Press Release